Edwina Sheeran retired
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On Oscars Reign’s last run he was struck into hence the distance he finished behind the 2nd horse, at first he was fine but not until he was back in the paddock he was lame, after further checks by our own vet he had damaged a tendon, which will recover but may take 12 – 18 months and even then there is no certainty that he can compete in racing, but could compete in other equine sports.
It has been a difficult decision as it was my partner and me who named the horse. Oscars Reign has been taken in by one of the stable lads who is nursing him back at his own farm close by, we have been monitoring the situation before making a final decision. I was looking to extend the period to say 2 years or until he came back, but we have decided to retire him permanently, like I said he will make a full recovery and will enjoy a life away from horse racing.
The duty of care extends beyond racing and we aim to rehome all of our retired racehorses, former racehorses go on to thrive in careers including polo, Point-to-Pointing, showjumping, horseball, and eventing. In some cases, ex-racehorses can be taken on as pets or riding horses.
We will update here on any club horse that we retire through veterinary advice or for the best interests of the horse’s future away from racing.